about us

Our Aims

  1. Cultivating Mindset and Political Will: We aim to collectively inspire a growth-oriented cultural mindset and political will that promotes economic transformation in Africa, while driving technological progress and modern innovation.
  2. Accelerating Innovation: We strive to speed up the pace of innovation and technology adoption within the continent, empowering industries, and communities in Africa to compete on a global scale.
  3. Prioritizing Education, Research, and Skill Development: We advocate for making continuous education and knowledge attainment a top priority, through investments in human capital development that achieve sustainable growth.
  4. Advocating For Political Compromise: Economic transformation requires collaboration, cooperation, and negotiation in order to reach effective political compromise for development. By building relationships within different political factions, we will overcome partisan division, enhance stability within sectors, and advance transformative policies, as we work together to reach agreements promoting economic transformation and industrialization.

Our Objectives

Building a Continental Awareness Campaign

Through our social media campaign, we will expand our online presence to increase global awareness of our mission to inspire economic transformation. We will address the necessity and psychology for change, while advocating for Africa to catch up and bridge the technological gap with the developed world.

Promoting a Knowledge-Based Value System

We aim to create a value system that prioritizes attainment of knowledge and marketable skill development, in a collective effort to drive transformation and industrialization within Africa.

Showcasing New Technology

Through social media, we showcase new technologies worldwide to inspire policymakers and Africans alike to understand the opportunities created by progressive technology adoption, while also seeking affordable yet effective solutions for the continent.

Supporting Competitive Development

We promote efficiency and productivity void of ethnic biases, by fostering an atmosphere conducive to investment and growth while reducing tension and corruption.
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